#NationalLipstickDay, Ulta Beauty asked 5 Black artists to share their interpretation of the day. Here's what I came up with for the Campaign: The Story of “Coco Queen” The bell chimes overhead as she steps through the glass door into "Malcolm's" deli. Covering her phone with her hand, she approaches the counter. "Can I have a turkey and cheese, Mr. Malcom?" "Of course, changing things up, I see," he jokes, reaching into the display case for the honey roasted turkey she ordered EVERY day. "Thanks, Mr. Malcom," she said, returning his easy smile. Replacing the phone to her ear, she continues her conversation. "Ok, D I just ordered, wassup?" "Girl, me and Aisha are coming to scoop you, there's an Ice Cream Festival at Benton Park." "I just got back to the neighborhood, she groans, and I gotta ask my mom if I can go." "Girl, we coming right now!" D shouts with finality. "Ok, ok, see you!" Checking herself out in the glass, (yea, I'm still cute!), she realizes her CRUCIAL mistake. She snaps her pocketbook open, revealing her gum, bus pass, and of course, her favorite purple lipstick. "See you tomorrow, Mr. Malcom," she calls happily as she grabs her sandwich and hurries out the door.